Please do not interact if you...

-Think fiction doesn't affect reality or are indifferent to it (think pedophilia, incest, etc. are okay as long as it's only fictional)-Are a proshipper-Are homophobic-Are a Fujoshi-Are a Zoophile-Are misogynistic-Ship real people-Kin real people-Are against neopronouns-Aren't respectful to others-Hate furries-Are Transphobic-Are Ableist-Are Pro-life-Try to force religion onto others-Can't keep your unwanted opinions to yourself-Don't believe in mental illness-Belittle others for no reason-Make fun of others for their interests-Think age regression is a fetish-Fetishize gay people, trans people, are into "age play," etc.-Genuinly hate any of my comfort characters or hyperfixations

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